Friday 6 April 2012

The grade, A

Thursday                                                                          rainy day                                                                                                                 
from left: yun rui, Ravina, Lydia, me & Suu

Clinical attachment finally comes to an end.
The posting I had is a great experience because I learnt the other side of life.
 Long I have been wondering, when will my life comes to an end?
At the age of 60? More than that? or just the other way round?
Seriously, I don't know.
From left: Sabrina, Mai, cheng yung & Syahiirah

Life is so short that we can't decide it by our own.
Whether or not, it's a fade. You are born in such a way where you are now.
Throughout this posting, I was asked by my clinical instructor on what I have been learning so far.
Of course, I answered her from the aspect as a student.

"Owh, I have learnt a lot more outside than the theory book itself. It's a great chance to learn more over here."
I answered.

But, she will never know I have learnt something about life instead.

——the life is nothing but a path that leads you to make choices

Options are provided, please choose one of them.

Always, we are all brought up with the options provided, so do the resuscitation and dying in a natural way.

It's a choice of ours.